About Us
Diabetes information online is complicated and written in a way that most people cannot understand, not us!
At Diabetic FAQ we provide answers to your diabetes questions in an easy to understand and easy to find fashion.
Also, we cut out the unnecessary noise that gets in the way of finding information.
Our team strives to supply you with reliable and trustworthy answers.
We have compiled together the most commonly searched Diabetes questions online and thoroughly researched each and every answer.
Diabetic FAQ is designed specifically with the user in mind and that is why we have an open line of communication.
Note, to search our site“click here” and ask a question.
If you cannot find what an answer to a question on, you can ask us to research the information “here“.
About Our Goals
In the Census National Diabetes Statistics Report that was released in 2014, we see that in the year 2012, over 9% of Americans were diagnosed with diabetes, which is over 21 million people!
Hence, our goal is to help those who are affected by diabetes.
Furthermore, by providing simplified answers that will better educate our readers.
Most of all, we hope to help people find solutions to their questions and help reduce diabetes symptoms.
Therefore, we are dedicated to providing information for any question asked.
We understand that being a person with diabetes is not easy.
Lastly, we believe that simplified information about diabetes can better the lifestyles of those affected.